About Us

I’m Cheryl, owner of Sew Creative Embroidery since 2003, and Easy Breezy Designs is our newest adventure in the embroidery world.  We’ve had quite a few family needs that kept me travelling this year, so while I was away I started dabbling on Etsy with my own machine embroidery designs.  I started dreaming of a building a new online store for my own creative, unique digitized designs and have been working toward it all year.  And now it’s here!  The web site is up and we’re excited about growing our design catalog.

Now, “Easy Breezy” is a pretty common saying around our house since having our beautiful rambunctious granddaughters, and it seems to flow over into what I want from my designs… .  I really want Easy Breezy Designs to be all about smooth stitching, creative embroidery designs so when designing, my staff and I work very hard to:

  • Use a good stitch order to allow for fewer thread cuts and less down time on a machine.
  • Make sure that all lettering and artwork are licensed or custom for our shop.  We value creativity and originality, and hope never to cross the lines with anyone’s creative property.
  • Use creative art & stitching techniques that allow for a more diverse design catalog.

We are looking forward to hearing from you so please join us on all things social!  Join our Newsletter for freebies and upcoming design releases.  Our favorite spot to chat is on our Easy Breezy Designs FB page… Just pop in and like us there, then join our Tips & Samples group if you’re looking for a community space to share tips and knowledge.

It has taken a little more time than I expected, but we are here!
Breezy Stitching!
Easy Breezy Designs

Check us out on social…
